While peatlands have been utilized for thousands of years (e.g., 7th-century law texts contain references to turf cutting in Ireland, large-scale drainage for agriculture, afforestation, and peat extraction commenced earnestly in the 17th century in Europe. More and more areas were drained in Europe and North America until the second half of the 20th century, contemporaneously with the start of large- scale drainage of tropical peatlands in South-East Asia, for example, while tropical peatlands in other regions in Africa and Central and South America are still exposed to increasing anthropogenic impacts.
Año de publicación
Balliston, N.; Artz, R.; Couwenberg, J.; Gauthier, T-L.; Huth, V.; Jurasinski, G.; Lampela, M.; Laine- Petäjäkangas, A.; Maanavilja, L.; Peacock, M.; Purre, A-H.; Swails, E.; Wilson, D.; Renou-Wilson, F.
Palabras clave
peatlands, ecological restoration, rehydration, greenhouse gases, carbon sequestration