CIFOR-ICRAF aborda retos y oportunidades locales y, al mismo tiempo, ofrece soluciones a los problemas globales relacionados con los bosques, los paisajes, las personas y el planeta.

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CIFOR-ICRAF produce cada año más de 750 publicaciones sobre agroforestería, bosques y cambio climático, restauración de paisajes, derechos, políticas forestales y mucho más, y en varios idiomas. .

CIFOR-ICRAF aborda retos y oportunidades locales y, al mismo tiempo, ofrece soluciones a los problemas globales relacionados con los bosques, los paisajes, las personas y el planeta.

Aportamos evidencia empírica y soluciones prácticas para transformar el uso de la tierra y la producción de alimentos: conservando y restaurando ecosistemas, respondiendo a las crisis globales del clima, la malnutrición, la pérdida de biodiversidad y la desertificación. En resumen, mejorando la vida de las personas.

CIFOR–ICRAF publishes over 750 publications every year on agroforestry, forests and climate change, landscape restoration, rights, forest policy and much more – in multiple languages.

CIFOR–ICRAF addresses local challenges and opportunities while providing solutions to global problems for forests, landscapes, people and the planet.

We deliver actionable evidence and solutions to transform how land is used and how food is produced: conserving and restoring ecosystems, responding to the global climate, malnutrition, biodiversity and desertification crises. In short, improving people’s lives.

Analysis of the economic efficiency and comparative advantage of the Sumatran smallholder rubber Using 'PAM Method

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Rubber plays, at least, five important roles in the Indonesian economy that pushes economic growth through positive backward as well as forward linkages. First, as the income source of a substantial number of rubber smallholder. Of the national rubber area of 3.50 million hectares in 1995, 2.95 million hectares (84.5 percent) constituted smallholder rubber, involving 1.47 million farm households (DGE, 1996). In some monoculture areas, rubber farm becomes the principal source of smallholders' income. Second, as one of the promising business investment areas by large scale companies such as state-owned companies (Perseroan Terbatas Perkebunan, PTP), domestic private companies (Perkebunan Besar Swasta Nasional, PBSN), or foreign private companies (Perkebunan Besar swasta Asing, PBSA), in addition to smallholders. In 1995, rubber area of PTP, PBSN and PBSA respectively accounted for 248,393 hectares, 239,850 hectares and 294,824 hectares (DGE, 1996). The total value of rubber investment during the first long term development stage (1.969-1994) was 2,153 million US dollars, 28.84 percent and 71.16 percent of which were respectively allocated for large scale companies and smallholders (PT IDU and WHAD, 1996). Third, as an agro-industrial development corner stone. Traditionally, primary rubber produce has been the only source of raw material for rubber processing industries to produce semi-finished goods for export, such as SIR (Standard Indonesian Rubber), RSS (Ribbed Smoked Sheets), crepe, etc.
    Año de publicación



    Hadi P U; Budhi G S



    Palabras clave

    analysis, pam, rubber, smallholders, sumatra



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